Other Activities

I have been knitting. But I have also been:

Planting seedlings.

Watering the seedlings of others.

Transplanting seedlings.

Playing with power tools.

[As an aside: check out the beginnings of my magnificent sunburn. This happens to me about once a year. June or so rolls around, I am still pasty white, and I congratulate myself on being such a homebody that I don’t spend time outside getting fried. Then some event happens – I go on a hike, or to the beach, or spend a long afternoon helping assemble raised beds. I think “well, I don’t want to get a farmer’s tan,” so I go out in a tank top, not bothering with the sunscreen. I then burn myself fuscia, spend three or so days in exquisite pain, then it all peels off and I have a nice summer tan. But for those three days, when I have to take cold showers and wear long sleeved shirts because any heat on my shoulders is like the fire of armegeddon, I want to have a tee shirt that says: (1) Yes, it hurts. (2) No, I don’t want your aloe vera. (3) Yes, I have heard of skin cancer. (4) Yes, I’m an idiot. Can we move on now, please?]

All this activity is in preparation for the long-awaited Ambridge Community Garden.

The dirt should arrive sometime in the next week, then our wee seedlings can have a more permanent home. I get so excited about home-grown veggies, even though I usually have such pitiful results. I’m hoping that the mojo of many experienced gardeners will break my losing streak. Because I really want me some home-grown heirloom tomatoes for caprese salad with home-made mozzarella!

One thought on “Other Activities

  1. This is your mother speaking: wear the sun screen….it will still give you a tan, just more gradually!! Love the seedlings.


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